Thursday, February 23, 2012

33 weeks!

I've been wanting to do this whole baby/pregnancy blog thing for awhile now. I've been reading a few other blogs and got the idea to do a weekly update with a standard set of questions from them. Since I'm pretty far into this pregnancy this first update will contain some past info. to compare and give you an idea of where I started vs. where I am now. So, here it goes...


How far along: 33 weeks! I really can't believe I am that far already. Time has flown by and is going really slow all at the same time. On one hand it feels like it was just last week that I took that first test and showed the positive result to Anthony. But, on the other hand I am not quite ready for this baby to come, and am glad that I still have a few more weeks. The nursery is still a work in progress, we have yet to build our cloth diaper stash (Yes, cloth diapers. That will be a post all of its own), and I want to make a bunch of freezer meals. But, beyond the physical/material things I also still need to do some mental preparation. Well, as much as a first time mom can do. There are still several things about labor/delivery and the newborn stage that I am trying to wrap my brain around. I'm not going to go into those things at this moment because that is going to be a separate post. But, I have realized that the reason it is hard to imagine/wrap your brain around certain things about pregnancy and motherhood is because those are the two things in life that are different for every woman and there is just no way of adequately telling a first time mom what to expect in a way that will actually convey the life changing events that are about to take place. Simply put, you aren't going to understand it until you've been through it.

So, I've been reading Ina May Gaskin's Guide to Childbirth as a way of preparing as much as possible for this birth. I'm still looking for a good book about life with a newborn. If there is one thing I have learned from reading other pregnancy blogs it's that you shouldn't read dozens of books about pregnancy/birth and motherhood. It will get too confusing-there are too many conflicting ideas and opinions. Instead, I have learned that it is important to first research the type of birth you want and figure out which type of theory/technique you agree with most. And then, find a good book about that. For me, I did a lot of research before I even got pregnant and decided that I wanted to have a midwife oversee my pregnancy/birth rather than an OB, and I wanted to try everything I can to have a natural birth. I came across Gaskin's Guide to Childbirth while reading a natural birth blog. I LOVE the book so far, and I do feel more mentally prepared after reading what I have so far. Obviously time will tell, but I'm happy with this book and will be recommending it to all the pregnant women in my life wether they want to try for a natural (by which I mean pain med-fee) birth or not. The birth stories in it are powerful and empowering, and I feel very inspired by them. Also, the way Gaskin explains the things that go on during labor and delivery and how to prepare for and handle them really makes sense to me.

Size: According to the fruit/veggie chart I found online, Baby C is the size of a honeydew. He'll be at that size for a few weeks before moving on to the last fruit- watermelon. As far as actual measurements, I consulted a different chart and the average size for 33 weeks is 17. 2 inches long and 4.23 pounds.

Total weight gain:
Based on my starting weight it is recommended that I only gain about 15lbs. I started out losing weight due to nausea, then I slowly gained weight. I held steady at 5 pounds gained for several weeks; which I was happy with. As of two weeks ago I had gained 7lbs. This actually kind of surprised me because I was so used to seeing the same number on the scale. haha. I weighed myself this afternoon and I seem to be up to 10lbs gained. I am going to re-weigh myself tomorrow morning, though since it is more accurate to weigh yourself in the morning. Overall, I am happy with 10lbs gained. I am 33 weeks, after all, and women who are at a more healthy weight pre-baby are told to gain 30-40 pounds (or about a pound a week)during their pregnancy. So, I'm pretty proud that I've been able to keep my weight gain under control. I only have 7 weeks left, so even if I gain a pound a week until then I will still only be at 17lbs gained. That is a number I can totally live with. :) My belly is measuing within the normal range, so that should mean that Baby C will be an "average" size. That thrills me since I am all too aware of the size of his exit route. ;)

Sleeping on my side has definitely taken some adjustment. I am a hard core stomach sleeper and I absolutely can not wait to be able to sleep that way again. But, I'm pretty used to it by now and I have to say that I sleep fairly well. I do get up 2-3 times a night to pee, but I am usually able to go right back to sleep (thankfully). Changing sides is getting increasingly harder, though. I'm pretty sure I sound like an old person when I move from my left to right side. Sometimes I have to pull on Anthony's arm to give me some leverage while turning over. Luckily for him, he doesn't complain.

Food cravings:
Pizza, pizza, and more pizza. I don't know why, I wasn't a huge pizza fan pre-pregnancy. But, I have heard from other pregnant women that pizza is one of their big cravings, too. Weird. Besides that I don't really crave a specific item. Instead, I crave something sweet or something salty- anything fitting that description will do. Occasionally, I do get a really odd, specific craving, though. For example, the other day I wanted a simosa from Kenya. And not just any simosa- one from a street cart in Gilgil. That was, hand down, the best simosa I had while there. Mmmm!

Food aversions:
Nothing right now. But, a couple months ago avocados; unfortunately, were making me gag. I couldn't finish the chicken avocado ranch sandwich from Zoup! and quacamole at Chipotle made me gag. Thankfully, that stage is over, and I can eat pretty much anything I want.

I have had pretty bad round ligament pain since a couple months into this pregnancy. My bikini line and upper thigh area ache when I walk. I now know why the pregnant lady waddles, let me tell you. It has gotten a little better lately (or maybe I am just used to it and don't notice it as much?). Other than that I have had more frequent heartburn, and my lower back and hips ache after a long day. I am incredibly tired some days, but that is to be expected. Fortunately, I haven't thrown up, experienced swelling, or had any of the other common symptoms.

None until about a month or so ago. Now I have several around my belly button. Their appearance doesn't bother me at all and I didn't do anything to prevent them. I'm not the type of person that worries much about thier physical appearance and they don't make me self-conscious. My belly does get itchy, though, so I've been lotioning it daily.

Midwife Appointment: I'm going every two weeks now, and my next appointment is the 27th.

I feel him move a lot, but mostly at night. He moves more when I play music- specifically Jennifer Hudson. I'm serious, this kid loves her! I've tried other artists/bands, and nothing gets him moving quite like Ms. Hudson. :)

Belly Button: It's getting more shallow every day. It's almost flat and I can make it "pop out" if I stretch my belly a little. Gross, I know. But, I can't help it.

Boy! Although, I must admit that I am not entirely convinced that is the case. I guess time will tell. :)

Best moment of the week:
Getting some things for the nursery with my mom, and painting the bookshelf that was in my nursery. It's getting a make-over for Baby C, and I am so glad that I am able to have something from my nursery in his.

What I’m looking forward to: Getting the nursery completed! And, of course, finally meeting this little guy!

What I miss:
Nothing, really. Besides sushi. That is definitely going to be one of my first meals after delivery.

Ok, that's all for this week's update. Some posts I'm working on are; cloth diapering, the things that are hard for me to wrap my brain around, how great Anthony has been throughout all of this, a nursery post with pictures, freezer meals, and some others. I'm also working on a birth plan (I know, I know you can't plan the birth. But, this will basically be a list of things that we want and don't want to happen if we can prevent it. My midwife recommends at least getting your desires on paper so that you are educated about the process and know what you want. I'll definitely be going into labor/delivery with an open mind, though.).

So for now....




  1. the size of a honeydew! that sounds straight up enormous to me. i'm so glad you're blogging about this, although i miss you and we should hang out soon so i can hear about everything firsthand :)

  2. Yay for mama-and-baby updates. I'm glad you're blogging again. I enjoy being able to catch up a little in between our visits:-).
